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Root Canal Treatment

The painless way to a healthy smile!

root canal

Root Canal Treatment

The painless way to a healthy smile!

Safe, affordable and pain-free

Root canal treatment is a procedure performed by dentists to save your teeth by replacing a damaged or infected nerve with a root canal filling. Cleaning the nerve space and filling it removes the cause of infection and pain.

Root canal treatment will help you resolve your pain

Root canal treatment is not painful. Instead, it gets you out of pain! As the nerve is removed all feeling from the tooth is gone and you will no longer feel any hot or cold sensation within the tooth. Root canal treatment is only considered successful once all painful symptoms are gone and the canals are free from bacteria.

What to expect:

  • Root canal treatment is usually compromised of 3 appointments spread out over a few months.
  • The first stage is removal of the nerve where we will help relieve you of any pain/discomfort.
  • The second visit involves shaping and preparing the canals and the final stage involves filling the canals.
  • Sometimes a crown is advisable after root canal treatment to help protect the remaining tooth from fracture.
Simply Teeth Root Canal Treatment Dentist
Root Canal Treatment
Root Canal Treatment

When is root canal treatment required?

  • Inflammation of the nerve – which results in lingering pain when drinking/eating hot and cold food.
  • Pulp Necrosis – this is when the nerve tissue “dies”, usually as a result of bacterial damage.
  • Apical Inflammation or Abscess – this is when bacteria has extended deep into the tooth and is now affecting the bone that surrounds the root end of the tooth. If left alone an abscess will develop and begin to fill with pus, which may then lead to the infection spreading to the rest of the body through the blood stream.

If a tooth is significantly damaged by deep decay, large fillings, gum disease, tooth wear or trauma and is not reparable by a simple filling then to save a tooth you may need root canal treatment.

Root canal treatment will allow the tooth to be saved while also removing any of the above conditions. This is done by accessing the channels or canals where the nerve sits inside the tooth, cleaning and disinfecting the area, followed by placing a filling to close the space where the nerve once was. A filling or crown is then done to seal the tooth off to prevent any new bacteria from getting back in!

Root Canal Treatment

    Is root canal treatment compulsory?

    There is nothing better than your own tooth so where possible we always do try and save natural teeth if there is enough remaining tooth structure. The other alternative would be to have the tooth extracted (taken out).

    If you have any further questions regarding root canal treatment and what is involved, send us an inquiry or call us and speak to one of our dentists, who will be happy to provide you with all the information and guidance necessary to make an informed decision. If you are currently in pain, book an emergency appointment with one of our friendly dentists and they will diagnose and provide you with all your treatment options to help relieve you of your discomfort.

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